High-quality technical translations

According to the new ISO standard 17100

The translations we deliver have nothing to do with luck! Apart from the fact that it’s lucky you’ve got to know about us through this website. You will be happy with our service, as are many other existing customers who have chosen us to translate their documents for over 26 years.

Fortuna Übersetzungen has been in business since 1992 and has consistently offered superior and professional translations in various areas ever since. Fortuna Übersetzungen only employs qualified mother-tongue translators and editors who have university degrees and wide specialist knowledge. They only ever translate into their native language. And very quickly at that!


Our credo is to provide translations which correspond perfectly to the original in both language and content.


FORTUNA ÜBERSETZUNGEN    Hintergasse 37    CH-8253 Diessenhofen TG    052 657 30 33